Friday, February 4, 2011

Ninja Grandma

30 days of blogging - I saw this from another blog and thought I would try this format so:

Day 1- A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself.

Well, that picture isn't most recent (it's a year old), but it's my favorite.  That is my grandson just a few minutes old and already smiling at his Ninja Grandma - this child has many grandma's including great grandma's so each has a unique name, since I was studying martial arts, they call me Ninja Grandma. It's interesting because my son called my parents GI Joe Grandpa and Grandma because my father was the AST (administrative supply technician) for the Army National Guard in Abilene Ks, so he always saw my father in fatigues. So I continue the tradition of unique grandparent name lol.  I had been up for over 24 hours waiting for this little man to come into the world when this picture was taken and it was so well worth it. Her mother and I as well as my son were able to attend the birth.  What a wonderful experience!!

15 interesting facts: (#1 is that above)

2) I was born in Los Angelas, CA - my father was stationed (Army National Guard) there but when I was 6 months old, we moved back to Kansas and lived close to my mother's parents all my life.  I grew up on a farm and I am so glad that I did, but I always wanted to leave and live in the city.  I blame that on being born in LA lol.  I moved to Phoenix when I was 22 and have lived here ever since.

3)  I have always wanted to be a nurse.  In those little school journals that my mother got for each of us, there was a place to write what you wanted to be when you grow up.  I wrote "nurse" on each of those except one (that was back when ERA was starting and my teacher was saying women could now enter what was considered "men only" fields and I wanted to be an airline pilot that year).  I was surprised to learn that being a nurse was so ingrained in me from so young.

4)  I am married to my third husband.  I adore him and love him very much.  My first two marriages were not good at all.  My first husband divorced me and that was very painful, but he ended up being diagnosed schizophrenic about a year later and I figured he did me a favor, because I believe in marriage and I would have stayed with him and cared for him and been miserable my entire life.  My second husband was very abusive, verbally most of our marriage, when it became physical I left.  I learned a lot from these experiences and this has made me cherish my current husband all the more.

5) I have written a novel.  I have always wanted to do that, have had an idea for a novel since I was 20ish, but never did anything about it.  My husband got me involved in something called NANOWRIMO which stands for National Novel Writing Month which is November.  Google it if you are interested.  Not sure if I will ever publish it, but I have done it.

6) I always wanted to be a martial artist, since watching David Carradine in "Kung Fu" but growing up in Kansas in the 70's, a girl just didn't do something like that.  I have gotten to green belt, and when I have lost about 100lbs, I am going back and getting my black belt!!

7) I feel so much better about myself, I have started wearing makeup and fixing my hair again.  My supervisor called me in the office this week to ask me if I am out interviewing.

8)  I love sci-fi, adventure and I really dislike romance/chick flicks.

9) When I was in my teens, I was in a horrible tornado in Kansas - we had an enclosed porch which contained the cellar door, but that side of the house blew off in the tornado so we spent the night under the piano because dad was to afraid to open the door from the house to go to the cellar

10)  I love to sew. I quilt (and will put up more pictures sometime) and I have made wedding dresses.

11) I also love to crochet and I am making market bags out of those cheap plastic grocery bags.

12) I have been an orthopedic nurse.  That lead me to being a trauma nurse for many years.  I am now a hospice nurse and that is my calling.

13) I have walked a half marathon in 2007 and I plan on doing one again in 2012 (if not sooner).

14) I love dogs, and my husband has 2 rescue dogs (a boxer that was found in a ditch and almost died and now a long hair chihuahua with one eye missing)

15) I love horror movies and my favorite involve either vampires or zombies.